Whether you need your home deep cleaned or your business sanitized, turn to Spring Fresh Cleaning Service for high-quality maid cleaning services in Reno, NV. We are confident that our friendly team will leave you satisfied with our work such that you won't hesitate to call us again.

Personalized Commercial and Residential Cleaning Services

Just as no two buildings are alike, no two cleaning assignments are the same. We recognize this, which is why we will gladly adjust our services to fit your needs.

One-Time Cleaning Services
We offer hourly rates for one-time cleaning services and special rates for recurring cleaning services. One-time services typically handle cleanup after parties, cleaning for move-ins and move-outs, or cleanup after your children or pets have made a mess. We can provide an estimate for this service right away. Our one-time cleanings can also be deep cleaning if you so desire.

Recurring Cleaning Services
Our recurring cleaning services are available at a range of frequencies to accommodate your cleaning needs. Our regular cleaning service includes basic cleaning for your entire home or business, as well as a special spring cleaning for one room each visit. This special treatment includes more than the basic cleaning service, as we clean baseboards, woodwork, furniture, cabinets, and window tracks.

Our repeating cleaning services do not require you to sign a contract, and you may cancel the service at any time - although we are confident that, once you see our work, you'll never want to let us go. Please note that we do need to visit and evaluate the premises before we can give you an estimate.

Employee Cleaning Counter Edge
Employee Cleaning outside of a kitchen cabinet

Careful Attention to Detail

Our cleaners always come to the job with CDC-approved cleaning supplies, and we can use green supplies by request. Not only do we sanitize all surfaces when we have been in your home, but we also sanitize our equipment, such as vacuums, between appointments.

Book us today by submitting a bid sheet or calling us at (775) 359-5534. Don't forget to ask about our current promotions!